Family Photos
To Add a Photo Album to a Web Page
  1. Click the block below to add your photo album. Blocks are outlined in blue.
  2. Position your cursor where you want to add your photo album.
  3. From the Toolbox, select Images.
  4. Click Add Photo Album.
  5. Select Photo Album and click OK.
  6. You can customize the layout of your Photo album in the following fields:
    • Number of columns
      Specify the number of columns you want to display in the photo album.
    • Number of Rows
      Specify the number of rows you want to display in the photo album.
    • Alignment
      Select Left, Center, or Right alignment.
    • Background
      Select Classic, Solid Color, Image, or Transparent. Click Apply Set

  7. To add an image to your photo album click Add New Image.
  8. Go to the Upload Image Tab.
  9. Click Browse and select an image. Repeat as necessary.
  10. Click Upload Images.
  11. To add more photos to your album, go to the Upload Image Tab and upload your photos, or click OK to return to the album.
  12. To Edit image titles and descriptions from the Image List, click the edit icon next to the image you want to edit.
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